This series of collage work, 'Finding the landscape', is my exploration of visual texture in the landscape. It formed part of the work originally exhibited at the Take2 exhibition alongside work by Gaynor Leverett-Jaques. The collages arose from my taking part in the Instagram #100dayproject - I challenged myself to create a mini landscape (10 x 10cm) each day. Over the 100 days I found myself creating my own collage material and experimenting with pattern; I found it fascinating that the pattern would initially be read as landscape texture and then on closer inspection become a point of interest in it's own right. These then led to me incorporating more mark making in my painting; initial layers took a life of their own and as the painting evolved demanded to be seen contributing to the final visual texture.
If you are interested in any of the pieces do get in touch.
If you are interested in any of the pieces do get in touch.
Monotone landscapes £300
Collection of 9 collages 47 x 47 x 3.2cm |
Monotone snapshots £300
Collection of 9 collages 47 x 47 x 3.2cm |